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Academic Year Program in Spain

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Get to know Spain, its culture, and the Spanish way of life


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The Academic Year Program in Spain offers students from all over the world the opportunity to get to know Spain, its culture, and the Spanish way of life. Students will live with a Spanish host family and participate in family life and activities. Students will attend a Spanish high school for several months, depending on the length of the program.

The primary purpose of the program is to improve students’ understanding of Spanish culture and language through active participation in family, school, and community life. One of the secondary purposes is to give Spanish people a chance to get to know more about a foreign country and its culture. Participants in this program should be mature and responsible.

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Short-term: 4-6 week homestay or residence (more info in Immersion Programs)

Trimester program: Mid-September to mid-December

Semester programs:

  • Fall semester:
    • Mid-September to late January
  • Spring semester:
    • 10th and 11th grade: early February to mid/late June
    • 12th grade: early February to late May or early June

Academic Year Program: Mid-September until the end of the school year (mid/late June)

Specific dates depend on Spanish school terms

Other program dates can be considered by request.

Juventud y Cultura will secure the participant’s enrolment in a Spanish public high school. If you prefer placement in a private high school, please contact us to make arrangements for private placement.

Living with a Spanish family is the best way to immerse yourself in Spanish culture and language.

We place participants with a Spanish host family (or families) for the duration of the program, and this family provides the student with full room and board. Students should do their best to integrate themselves into family life, share their experiences, and bond with all host family members.

Students might have their own room or share with host siblings if their family has children at home. Students might share a host family with another exchange student, but only if the two students have different native languages.

Our Local Coordinators are in charge of supervising and supporting students throughout the academic year. All students will have a 24-hour emergency phone number to call in case of emergency. Juventud y Cultura staff is always available when our students need us!

Juventud y Cultura’s program includes:

  • Locating, interviewing, screening, and selection of a suitable Spanish host family. Juventud y Cultura will find host families for students at least one week prior to the students’ arrival in Spain
  • Room and board with a Spanish host family
  • Processing of the AYP application, academic advising, and placement in a high school
  • Local support throughout the year by the local coordinator
  • Monthly reports for each student
  • Supervision by Juventud y Cultura Central Office in Madrid
  • 24-hour emergency support through a mobile telephone number
  • Transportation from local airport to host family
  • Year-long online Spanish (optional)
  • Orientation upon arrival in Madrid. Students placed in the Madrid area will have the orientation meeting at the Juventud y Cultura Central Office. Students placed outside of the Madrid area will have the orientation meeting with local coordinators in their area

If you want to enroll in our program, please send an email to info@juventudycultura.es, and we will put you in contact with coordinators in your home country.

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