Thinking in a new language
Iván. From Málaga to Benicia, California.
Iván está haciendo un año académico en California, nos cuenta las diferencias y similitudes que ha encontrado en este tiempo. La experiencia de Iván es muy positiva y está aprovechando su año académico para integrarse y aprender el idioma. Su secreto para el éxito está en el esfuerzo que está poniendo para adaptarse y cumplir con las normas, lo que le ha permitido mejorar su nivel de inglés en el tiempo que lleva y ser parte activa de su nueva vida, integrando en su forma de ver el mundo las experiencias que le aportan las personas que está conociendo y la ciudad en la que vive.
Hello from San Francisco, at first, I guess my new family is some different in comparison with my Spanish one, but they have a lot of things in common too. For example, my new brother has a very similar behavior as my other two brothers in Spain. My dad in Spain is always working, and my dad here too.The thing that is different is the way that they have to be organized. One activity that has called my attention has been leaving the door open at the day, that’s a thing that in Spain would not work very well, and happens the same with the car, they leave it open and they are not worried. My new school is much bigger than my Spanish school, and it’s not much closed (no much roofs), so when it is raining you always get wet easily. All my friends that I know I met them at classes, at cross country and at the soccer team. To have fun with my friends I hang out with my friends, go to play soccer, going over to their house, play video games… The most difficult thing has been talking with my family just once a week, but I think I have been doing great just talking once a week with them, because I’ve been really busy, and having fun with the all great people that I’ve met. The thing that I like better at my new life is where I’m spending this year, because it is full of great people, great friends and great places.